More schoolchildren across England will now learn essential cycling skills thanks to a £13 million government investment in Bikeability, following a record year for the cycle training programme.

Around 400,000 children had completed the scheme in the year up to April 2019 while the total number trained since Bikeability was launched in 2006 has now reached 3 million.

Children that cycle regularly are more likely to become active adults that are confident and safe cyclists.

Find out more on website.


Bikeability is today’s cycle training programme. It’s about gaining practical skills and understanding how to cycle on today’s roads. Bikeability gives everyone the skills and confidence for all kinds of cycling.

Bikeability courses are available throughout the year in most local authorities in England. Children and adults can be trained individually or in groups, through school, clubs or private tuition.

Find out more on Bikeablity's website.

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