HPV Education Pack
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a common virus that spreads through intimate skin-to-skin contact. There are many types of HPV, and some can cause health issues like genital warts and cancers, including cervical cancer.
The HPV vaccine helps protects against the types of HPV that can lead to these issues. It is recommended for preteens, both boys and girls, starting at ages 11 to 12, but can be given up to the age of 26. Getting vaccinated before becoming sexually active is the best way to stat protected. The vaccine is safe and effective, and it significantly lowers the risk of HPV-related health problems. By getting the HPV vaccine, people can help keep themselves and others healthy.
The HPV Education Pack has been co-produced by young people and researchers by the University of Bristol and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. It is aimed at year 8 students before they have the vaccine but could support other years too. It includes lesson plans, video, and activity resources and meets statutory Health Education requirements to ensure students know about:
- Personal hygiene,
- Germs including bacteria,
- Viruses and how they spread,
- Treatment and prevention of infection,
- Antibiotics,
- And the facts and science relating to immunisation and vaccination.
The resource pack may be particularly useful for areas of low uptake.