General Resources to support delivery
On this page, you will find a list or resources that may support professionals in delivering RSE.
You may find the SEND Support page useful too.
Sex Education Forum
When thinking about what should or could be the right information for your RSE curriculum, the Sex Education Forum (SEF) offers the following on what to include at which key stages.
The Sex Education Forum also holds a list of quality RSE external providers – to see who can offer a high quality RSE for your setting, please visit the Sex Education Forum.

PSHE Association
The PSHE Association is a national organisation which leads on all PSHE matters, including sex and relationship education. Apart from high quality training, conferences and events, a strong membership offer, they also have a directory of quality assured resources. They offer quality assured programmes of work for Primary, Secondary and Further Education settings. When selecting your resources or when choosing to purchase a wholesale curriculum programme, we encourage you to look at the PSHE Association website.
Unfortunately, not all content is equal so take the work out and go with what the national thought leaders and influencers consider to be quality information, content and resources.
The RSE Hub Quality Review Framework
The quality review framework is a tool for benchmarking Relationship and Sex Education has been accredited by the PSHE as a quality assured resource.
Torbay Council Public Health team have purchased copies of this tool exclusively for Primary and Secondary education settings in Torbay. Several Primary and Secondary schools in Torbay have used it to drive improvements in their approach, including Brixham College, Coombe Pafford, Torbay School, Devon Studio School and Curledge Street Primary.
Teachers who participated said:
"The need to consider our provision of RSE as just one part of a learner’s journey; we should aim to join up our delivery with that of Key Stage 2 and Further Education providers. Every child in Torbay should be entitled to an agreed minimum standard of RSE, which is transferable in terms of any school move or key stage transition"
And they added that if other schools were considering being involved in a review process;
"It is an extremely useful opportunity to explore your own practices and undertake a full external evaluation. It helps raise awareness of the importance across School rather than in smaller pockets. It provides an opportunity to work with local Schools and share resources and discuss best practice."
If you would like to explore how to use it and any peer review opportunities, please email
The PSHE Association’s Subject Lead Nick Boddington says;
“We highly recommend this framework for schools to use as it shows a strong balance between being comprehensive but not so complex to be daunting. It will help provide a direction of travel for improvement and the division between core standards (the basic steps you should have in place) and quality (what you can do to make things as good as possible) is really helpful.”
The Eddystone Trust
The Trust have created a free Condom Day Media Pack, packed with resources to support your outreach. These materials are designed to help you start conversations and encourage safer sex practices.
📥 Download your resources here:
SRE for the 21st Century
This supplementary guidance has been developed by the PSHE Association, Brook and the Sex Education Forum. It is designed to be used alongside existing statutory Department for Education guidance for schools dating back to 2000.
PSHE Association Programme of study for PSHE Education (Key stages 1-5)
The PSHE Programme of Study was produced in consultation with a wide variety of agencies and practitioners to meet the needs of today’s pupils and is regularly updated to meet these changing needs.
The PSHE Association Programme of Study for PSHE education is now regularly signposted by the Government as the go-to guidance for teachers and schools when planning their PSHE education curriculum.
NSPCC run a programme called ‘Talk Relationships’ with e-learning courses, free lesson plans and a helpline for educators. Talk Relationships: resources to deliver sex and relationships education | NSPCC Learning Sex and relationships (RSE) training course for teachers and school leaders | NSPCC Learning
Brook offer quality training for educators, free classroom handouts (from consent, pornography and puberty and condoms). Also, look out for their ‘Big RSE Live Lessons’, streamed, 1 hour long interactive broadcasts about different RSE topics. RSE: Relationships & Sexual Education - RSE Curriculum – Brook
Believe in children | Children's charity | Barnardo's (
A national charity who offers a lot of advice, guidance, latest evidence, and snappy resources and don’t shy from hard hitting issues around child sexual exploitation, abuse, consent and coercion, staying safe online and more. Here are one of their recent films about porn, bodies and sex Connected Families - Porn, bodies and sex - the children | Barnardo's - YouTube
Harmful Sexual Behaviours
HSB have some recently refreshed guidance, as well as a checklist for educators and courses for safeguarding leads. This is open to all working in Torbay with children. Please register or use your learning pool account and search for the ‘AIM checklist’. This involves a fee 1 hour induction, and after then you can use the checklist. Please note, this is a restricted resource and cannot be copied or downloaded. Learning Pool Login Request ( / Policies - Torbay Safeguarding Children Partnership
Intercom Trust
Intercom Trust is a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community resource covering the South West. Providing support with homophobic and transphobic prejudice, crime and discrimination. Intercom Trust is a person-centred, client-led, inclusive charity and support LGBT+ people who access a range of services on offer. They work within the legal framework to provide a safe, respectful, non-judgmental space for clients in which to navigate a variety of issues. They do not encourage, diagnose or provide medical advice on topics such as hormonal or surgical interventions. They approach all client sessions without bias or agenda. They have been supporting communities for over 26 years.
Intercom Trust have developed a resource booklet for parents/carers of LGBT+ young people. The aim of the booklet is to help parents maintain good relationships. It includes information on LGBT+ identities, how a child’s identity might lead to conflict between parents, and tools to help parents/carers have difficult conversations.